Campaign Team 

Jim Leonard - seeking your vote to be General Secretary

My Wonderful Family - My Wife Clare and my son Jack

Hi and thankyou for taking the time to following the link and read a little bit more about us, our plans for the continued success of Advance Union and why voting for me will enhance ‘Your Voice at Work’.

I have been working in the Bank since 2001, and started my career in the branch network where I held a variety of roles. From early on I became involved with the Union, first becoming a local rep, and then later being elected on to the National Executive Committee as a national representative and then subsequently as the Chair.

Following Santander’s acquisitions, Linda Rolph invited me to become a member of her full time team as a consultant, and then later to the role of Assistant General Secretary from 2011, a role I hold to this day.

Over my years in Advance I have been responsible for:

  • Supporting members in formal hearings
  • Working with the bank on policies and procedures that effect our members
  • Negotiating the annual pay awards
  • Actively involved in Job Security consultation
  • Attending business and strategic meetings with the bank to represent our members interests
  • Providing support to members informally on a daily basis

I am passionate about achieving great outcomes for members, and believe that with some small changes Advance can continue to build on the great work we have already done. More detail on the new vision is HERE.

Away from work I enjoy spending time with my family, my son Jack and my wife Clare, who works in the bank also.  My family is so important to me, as I'm sure they are to many of our members.  My son and I are keen Maidstone United fans, and you will often find us cheering on the ‘stones’ on a Saturday afternoon. I a also a keen cyclist, and am currently in training to complete the London to Brighton off road ride to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

Keith Hoyland

Senior Consultant 

I wanted to take a moment to share a bit about my journey and why I believe Jim Leonard is the best candidate for the role of General Secretary of Advance Union.

Growing up in a mining village in South Yorkshire, I witnessed firsthand the power of unions and the profound impact they can have on workers and communities. The miner's strike of 1984, which unfolded just a mile from my home, taught me valuable lessons about solidarity, fellowship, and the vital role that unions play in safeguarding the rights and well-being of their members.

Throughout my career, I've been deeply committed to fighting for equality and environmental causes, both locally and nationally. With over 20 years of experience serving in various capacities within Advance, from workplace representative to the National Executive, I've seen firsthand the importance of strong, principled leadership in advancing the interests of our members.

I firmly believe in the power of partnership working. While advocating for our members is paramount, it's also essential to recognize the value of collaboration with employers to find common ground and ensure the prosperity and job security of all workers.

In these challenging times, it's more important than ever that we remain united and continue to support one another. Let's uphold the values of solidarity, fairness, and collective action that define our union.

That's why I'm proud to endorse Jim Leonard for the role of General Secretary. Jim's unwavering dedication to our union, coupled with his track record of leadership and advocacy, make him the ideal candidate to lead us forward.

I urge you to place your trust, as I have, in Jim Leonard to build a stronger union for now and for the future. Remember, your vote is crucial in shaping the direction of our union, so I encourage you to exercise your right and ensure that your voice is heard.

Together, let's continue to make a difference and create a better future for all.

Roberta Barbour

Senior Consultant

I have been fortunate to know and work closely with Jim Leonard for more than 20 years when he became part of the Advance National Executive Committee.


He had already proven himself to be an excellent Area Rep by looking after Advance members interests in the Branch network, with passion and strength of conviction .


His reputation in standing firm for the rights of our members became widely known, both in the Union, with the Bank and other key stakeholders.


He has progressed within Advance, becoming Chair and now Assistant General Secretary, both positions which require a clear understanding of policy, leadship skills and an ability to challenge where needed whilst maintaining great relationships – both within Advance and Santander.


He attends and plays a major and leading role in National Pay Negotiations, Job Security as well as being the main Advance Representative  involved in reviewing company policies.


On a personal level, Jim is committed and dedicated to ensuring fairness, respect and good working conditions for our members, and that their voice is heard !


I am delighted to offer my full support to Jim in his election and would be honoured to work under his leadership. 








                                                                                                                                    VOTE FOR JIM LEONARD  X


Gerard Moloney

Assistant General Secretary

I have worked with Jim Leonard for the last 15 years in a variety of roles within the Union.  In that time, Jim has played a pivotal role in Consultation and Negotiations meetings with the Bank on a wide number of subjects, ranging from Policies to Pay and Job Security issues.  During those meetings, I have witnessed Jim’s determination (together with an incredible attention to detail) to work in Partnership to secure great outcomes for our members.  In dealing with individual member’s issues, getting the best possible outcome has always been at the heart of Jim’s focus.    

I have listened to Jim’s plan for our Union and I am excited to be part of the future of Advance.  Moreover, I believe that Jim is the right person to lead us into that future.  I know that Jim shares my core values on fairness and dignity at work and I am confident in his ability to robustly represent our members when talking to the Bank.

The next chapter in Advance’s history is coming and I ask everyone to use their vote to ensure that we can embark on this new chapter with the right leadership.  This is why I am voting for Jim Leonard.

Gerard Moloney

Assistant General Secretary & Office Manager, Advance